Wednesday 25 November 2009

A? P? whatever, open to suggestions

I was thinking during Life Drawing this afternoon: As computing power gets more progressively geared toward simulations and Constructed Reality (known to most, rather erringly in my opinion, as Virtual Reality) and we begin to biuld the information universe inward, the byte will probably be a slightly errant unit of computing power, or at least ab it obsolete. at any rate, it enforces the meme that Constructed Reality isn't 'real', when in fact it's just real as our minds. During the drawing break, I brainstormed a couple of alternative measures of data.

Atom: (con-atom, 'A') The amount of data needed to simulate a unit with the same function as an atom, may be useful depending on the size of the con-brane and the computer used to support it

Photon:('P'?) the amount of data needed to simulate a photon, the most prevalant information-carrying entity in our universe.

Personally, I think both models could be used once the processing power is available (perhaps data stored in two portions of the supporting computer... 'matter engine' and 'energy engine', perhaps?)

Just a random offspew of thought.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Thoughts on lighter-than-air craft, and the brilliance therof

Anyone aquainted with me for anything humanly-measured as a decent length of time will know of my fascination with airships. They have a sort of slow, ponderous, whale-like grace, well-complimented by the shape of the clouds with which they share medium.

One of the many, many reasons for my desire for immortality is to have some chance to live in an airship of my own, kinda like those people who live on ocean liners: Always another veiw, a feeling of independance, a new angle from which to veiw the world (and an airship offers even more freedom than a seaship, giving a new dimension of movement). That and just waking up in the morning and having breakfast whilst looking out over a sea of altostratus or a "mountain range" of cumulonimbus would be innumerable degrees of polished awesome (not to be confused with Polish awesome, a more select category which probably won't feature here).

I'm one of those people who, while acknowledging that I (probably) won't have my airship for several decades or even possibly centuries, I've got rediculously detailed blueprints for it, with some leeway for things like bouyancy substance (or bouyancy-lack-of-substance, as the case may be)

[continued tomorrow... not that anyone will have read this in the meantime since I haven't given anyone a link yet...]